Stay Safe
in any case with
Handy Family Service


“Handy Family Service” gives you the opportunity to connect your HandyWatch with Handy’s Security Systems Ltd 24/7 Monitoring Station.

With a very low cost, your HandyWatch can send alerts and alarms 24 hours a day to the Central Monitoring Station of Handy’s Security Systems Ltd where the following services are provided:

  • As soon as the Handy operator receives from your HandyWatch an SOS signal, the operator will communicate with you or anyone else by the instructions received during the installation of HandyWatch by the customer (Relatives, Personal Doctor, First Aid, etc.).
  • The monitoring station operators will communicate daily with the client ensuring that the watch is in working condition
  • 24/7 Telephone Support

Handy Family Service

Connect your HandyWatch NOW to the “Handy Family Service”! For more information you can click here, call us at 77778787 (+35722311143) or email us at